Science Syllabus

2014 – 2015 Sixth Grade Science Syllabus

Course Description:
Sixth grade science is a course in which each student will have an opportunity to expand his or her knowledge in the areas of Scientific Relevance/Technology and Earth Sciences

Course Goals:
Major Instructional Goals (MIGs) for sixth grade science were developed to help each student meet National and State Standards as well as Grade Level Expectations (GLEs). These goals state that students will move towards a better understanding and appreciation of: scientific inquiry/technology, earth systems (ex. weather) and how the all topics studied to everyday life. These curriculum goals will be achieved through readings, notes, labs, presentations, research, projects, and comprehension and notebook checks. Mastery will be checked through student presentations, quizzes, projects, tests, and any other method at teacher’s discretion.

 Each student will be required to bring their textbook to class every day and maintain his or her science materials. These science materials may include your student’s science notebook, class assignments, lab notes, study guides, quizzes, and tests. Students are also responsible to bring writing utensils found in their pencil cases such as pencils, pens, highlighters, etc.
After students have completed a test, the graded test needs to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to class three days after the test has been returned. For example, a test returned on a Monday would be due back signed on Thursday. Returned tests will be kept in student portfolios to be utilized for evidence of student growth.
Grading Policy:
Students will be graded upon the following:

Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, Projects, etc.) – 70%    
Practice (Daily Work, Class Participation, Notebook Checks, etc.) – 30%          

Lab Safety:
As a safety precaution, there will be certain conduct expectations of students while performing their duties during labs and small group activities. Very simply, sharp objects can cut or puncture, hot things will burn and food or drink items are never to be brought into the science classroom on lab days. Students will be expected to follow directions and maintain “movie” voices while working in groups. These guidelines will be posted in the classroom. Upon completion of the Lab Safety unit, each student must have a Science Safety Contract on file in order to participate in labs.       

Contact Information:
Please, feel free to contact us with your questions and concerns. We can be contacted by calling 523-7800. Leave a message and your call will be returned within a 24-hour school day window. We can also be contacted via email.

Student (print)______________________  (sign) ______________________ Date_______   

I have reviewed the syllabus and agree to support my child and the teacher in their learning goals this year. 
Parent/Guardian(print)____________________  (sign) ______________________ Date_______