Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tuesday August 5th

The Plan:

Science: Welcome to Mrs. O'Mealy's Experiment, our online blog designed to keep everyone informed and on top of their game! The blog has everything from a team calendar so you can keep up on all of you class assignments complete with an online science and social studies textbook links, as well as connections to fun and interactive extras like YouTube and more. I update daily so that with a click of the mouse you can see what your student has learned that day. Never feel out of the loop again!

Social Studies: N/A

Homeroom Announcements: I can't wait to meet all of you!

What is Happening:

Monday: Summer
  • Science: N/A
  • SS: N/A

Tuesday: Orientation was tonight from 5:30-6:30 (A-L) and 6:45-7:45 (M-Z). It was great to see everyone and learn all about your summer! Enjoy the last few days of summer and I'll see you on the 12th.

Wednesday: Summer
  • Science: N/A
  • SS: N/A

Thursday: Summer
  • Science: N/A
  • SS: N/A

Friday: Summer
  • Science: N/A
  • SS: N/A